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Gun Violence in Colorado: Update

El Paso and Dayton One year ago this week, 23 people were shot and killed in El Paso by a white supremacist. The shootings were followed shortly thereafter by a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, which resulted in nine deaths. Last year, the comedian and talk-show host Trevor Noah discussed a number of suggested “root

Colorado Ranks 20th in the Nation on Gun Deaths

A new analysis by States United to Prevent Gun Violence, of which Colorado Ceasefire is a member group, finds that Colorado ranks 20th among states in the rate of gun deaths. The report also found that while suicides comprise the largest portion of Colorado’s gun deaths, gun homicides rose 52 percent over a ten year

How do Colorado Candidates for U.S. Senate Stand on Guns?

Voters will choose a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in June by mail-in ballot. The winner of that race will face the Republican Incumbent, Sen. Cory Gardner on November 3rd. Democratic Primary (June 30, 2020) Twenty Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate have been reduced to just two, Andrew Romanoff and John Hickenlooper. The vote between

Ceasefire Urges Safe Storage of Firearms

Virus-Induced Gun Sales Surge Shows Need for Safe Storage Some Americans frightened by the coronavirus have resorted to actions that impinge on the common good: hoarding of toilet paper, rice, eggs, etc. Unfortunately, many have also responded by stocking up on guns and ammunition. Since the coronavirus isn’t eliminated by gunfire, we expect the response is clearly

Harmful Gun Bills Defeated

Harmful Gun Bills Rejected by House Committee The House State Affairs has this session rejected three harmful gun bills. All were defeated on party-line 3-6 votes.   The bills defeated were HB20-1040  Guns in Schools – Sponsored by Patrick Neville, R-Douglas County.  This bill would have allowed any Concealed Carry Weapon permit holder to take hidden handguns into elementary