Working for Freedom from Gun Violence Donate

‘Preventing means can save lives’: Experts find that guns inside home lead to more suicides, homicides

Greely Tribune, July 16, 2023 – A local effort to provide people with free gun locks is one of many initiatives to prevent gun violence as trends have continued to rise across the nation, especially in Colorado. Gun violence and suicides involving firearms have been on the rise in Colorado for the past 10 years.

New Research by CU Anshutz Released on Firearms Availability Among High-School Age Youth With Recent Depression or Suicidality 

American Academy of Pediatrics, May 22, 2023 – (Abstract) Limiting firearm access is essential to decreasing teen suicide. Previous efforts have focused on household firearms; however, less is know about firearm access and possession among teens at increased suicide risk. Our objective was to estimate prevalence of firearm possession and access among high school-aged teens

Colorado-based company has first commercially available “smart guns” for sale in U.S.

Colorado Sun and, July 3 and 8, 2022 — Biofire in Broomfield has produced a gun that can only be used by someone with the right fingerprint or face scan. Experts have differing visions of what a post-smart gun world might look like. The Broomfield-based company Biofire has produced a gun that can only be