Former Sen. Mark Udall and Ceasefire Board Member Myra Isenhart on why legislature should pass safe storage bill.
Bring Light: Pass a safe storage law

Former Sen. Mark Udall and Ceasefire Board Member Myra Isenhart on why legislature should pass safe storage bill.
Colorado Ceasefire is seeking an executive director. Read the job description.
New public service announcements stress safe storage of guns
Colorado Ceasefire is calling for Rep. Boebert’s resignation. Sign our petition.
New bills being considered could lead to fewer accidental shootings, suicides, and crime
Analysis by the Denver Post finds Colorado’s new Red Flag law is working.
During 2020 gun sales surged, and so did gun violence
Do you — or someone you know — want to get rid of your guns? We’ll tell you how.
How did the 2020 election affect gun violence prevention efforts in Colorado?
El Paso and Dayton One year ago this week, 23 people were shot and killed in El Paso by a white supremacist. The shootings were followed shortly thereafter by a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, which resulted in nine deaths. Last year, the comedian and talk-show host Trevor Noah discussed a number of suggested “root