Working for Freedom from Gun Violence Donate

Attorney General Phil Weiser

Attorney General Phil Weiser

Implementation of Extreme Risk Protection Orders Law

Join Us:

Date:  Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Location:  Temple Emanuel, 51 Grape St., Denver
                       Enter from Grape St. side
Time:  7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
               Social time until 9:00 p.m.


Colorado Ceasefire and CFCU (Colorado Faith Communities United to End Gun Violence) are co-hosting an evening with Colorado’s Attorney General Phil Weiser.  Get the facts on the new Extreme Risk (ERPO) law straight from the state’s top lawyer.  Opponents of ERPO are propagating false claims of what can and can not be done under ERPO. (For example:  It has been stated that your neighbor can file an ERPO on you if he is upset about your dog’s activities.  Can he?  NO, not unless he is a relative.).

In order to focus questions directly on ERPO and its application and implementation, we are asking that questions be submitted ahead of time by sending a note to    Please put “AG question” in the subject line.

Be sure to RSVP by sending a note to