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Colorado Firearm-Related Proposals Status (updated 03/07)

SB25-003 High Capacity Magazine Ban Enforcement – Support
Status: Passed Senate State Affairs 1/28 on 3-2 party-line vote. Passed Senate 3rd reading 2/18 on 19-15 vote. House Judiciary hearing upcoming. 1:30 p.m. (Sens. Tom Sullivan and Julie Gonzales, Reps. Andrew Boesenecker and Meg Froelich). Would ban the sale of most Semi-automatic firearms that accept detachable magazines and classifies rapid-fire devices as dangerous weapons.

SB25-034 Voluntary No Buy – Strongly Support
Status: Passed Senate State Affairs on 2/6 on 3-2 party line vote. On to Senate Appropriations. (Sen. Cathy Kipp and Rep. Andrew Boesenecker. Allows person to voluntarily put themselves on the NICS no buy list.

SB25-059 Support for State Response to Mass Shootings – Support
Status: Passed Senate 3rd reading 2/12/2025 on vote of 24-9. House State Affairs hearing 3/17 1:30. (Sen. Tom Sullivan and Rep. Steven Woodrow). Requires Division of Criminal Justice to apply for and expend federal and other grant money to improve the state/s response to mass shootings and support services for victims.

SB25-086 Protections for Users of Social Media – Support
Status: Passed Senate Judiciary 6-1 on 2/19.  Passed  Senate 3rd reading 2/26 on 28-5 vote. Assigned to House Health and Human Services. (Sens. Lisa Frizell & Lindsey Daugherty/Reps. Andrew Boesenecker and Anthony Hartsook) Requires Social media companies to publish policies, make publicly available a report on minor use of social media platforms, and promptly investigate and remove users in violation of policies. Endeavors to counteract minors obtaining illicit substances and firearms.

SB25-158  Procurement and Disposal – Support
Status: Testimony taken by Senate Business, Labor, and Tech on 2/18. Laid over for vote. (Sens. Tom Sullivan and Julie Gonzales /Reps. Meg Froelich and Kyle Brown). Requires that firearms acquired by state agencies are purchased from responsible dealers. Requires that firearms are properly destroyed when disposed of by state and local law enforcement.

HB25-1062 Penalty for Firearm Theft – Support
Status: Passed House Judiciary 2/18 on 6-5 vote. On to House Appropriations. (Reps. Ryan Armagost and Monica Duran, Sen. Nick Hinrichsen) Makes theft of a firearm a Class 6 felony. Second Offense is Class 5 felony.

HB25-1098 Automated Protection Orders – Support
Status: Passed House Judiciary 2/11 on 7-3 vote. On to House Appropriations. (Reps. Rebecca Stewart and Matt Soper/ Sen. Dafna Michaelson Jenet) Provides a system of notifying a domestic violence victim of certain actions including when the abuser has attempted to purchase a gun.

HB25-1128 Income Tax Credit for Firearm Safety Device – Neutral
Status: Passed House State Affairs 8-3 party-line vote, House Finance 3/7 at 1:30 p.m. (Reps. Ceclia Espenoza, Sen. Kyle Mullica) Creates an income tax credit for the purchase of a device capable of locking and storing firearms.

HB25-1133 Requirements for Sale of Firearms Ammunition – Strongly Support
Status: Passed House Business Affairs 7-6  2/13.  Passed House 3rd reading 2/25 by a 38-27 vote. Assigned to Senate State Affairs. (Reps. Monica Duran and Lindsay Gilchrist, Sen. Kyle Mullica) Establishes requirements for the retain of ammunition and requirements for delivery of ammunition sold at retail.

HB25-1171 POWPO for Vehicle Theft  –  Support
Status: Introduced 2/6/2025 Assigned to House Judiciary.  (Reps. Shannon Bird and Andrew Boesenecker) Adds motor vehicle theft to the list of felonies that prohibit the possession of a firearm by a previous offender.

HB25-1225 Freedom from Election Intimidation  in Elections –  neutral
Status: Introduced 2/1/2025 Assigned to State Affairs Hearing March 17th 1:30 p.m.  (Rep. Steven Woodrow) Prohibits an individual from intimidating, threatening or coercing someone in election activities. Persons who carry firearms, imitation firearms or toy firearms are presumed to be engaged in intimidation.  Provides for lawsuits by elected officials or individuals.  

HB25-1238  Gun Show Requirements – Strongly Support
Status: Passed House State Affairs on 2/24 by an 8-3 party-line vote.  On to House floor.  (Reps. Junie Joseph, Sean Camacho / Sen. Cathy Kipp) Requires specific safety procedures by promoters including a safety plan, monitoring of main entrances and exits, posting signs, and obtaining certification from vendors that they will comply with federal, state, and local laws. 

HB25-1250  Gun Violence Prevention and Parents of Students – Support
Status: Passed House Education hearing March 6 on 7-5 party-line vote.  (Rep. Eliza Hamrick / Sen. Lisa Cutter) Requires the Office of Gun Violence Prevention to post on its website materials on gun violence prevention and for local education provider to distribute this information, either electronically or written, to each parent of student in K-12.

Federal Bills of Concern

There have been 30 firearms-related bills introduced in Congress, 83% of which loosen gun laws. Here are some of the more prominent ones.

HR 1564  and S. 726 Require Safe Storage – Strongly Support
Status:  HR1564 has 97 co-sponsors including Crow and DeGette. S726 has 31 co-sponsors including Hickenlooper and Bennet.  

HR 1643 Lower age for Handgun from 21 to 18  – Strongly oppose 
Status:  Has 11 co-sponsors including Boebert.

 HR 1674 and S. 803 Regulate Large Capacity Magazines – Strongly Support
Status:  HR1674 Diana DeGette is sponsor and has 121 co-sponsors including Pettersen. S. 803 has 21 co-sponsors.
