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Action Alert! Contact Your Legislator!

Several gun bills are up this week— We need you to speak up FOR several and AGAINST one!

SB25-059 Supports for State Response to Mass Shootings (Sen. Tom Sullivan, Rep. Steven Woodrow), requires the Division of Criminal Justice to apply for and expend federal and other grant money to improve the state’s response to mass shootings and support services for victims. It has a hearing before the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee Tues. 2/4 at 2:00 p.m.
Please contact members of the Senate State Affairs committee to encourage them to vote YES on SB059 using this convenient form! And pass it on!

SB25-034 Voluntary Do Not Sell Firearms Waiver (Sen. Cathy Kipp, Rep. Andrew Boesenecker), allows a person to voluntarily put themselves on the NICS no-buy list. It provides a means for verification and for removal at the person’s request. It establishes a civil infraction of unlawful purchase of a firearm while subject to a voluntary waiver. Colorado is a high suicide state and this is an addition to the toolbox of suicide prevention. This bill has a hearing before the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee Thurs, 2/6 upon adjournment.
Please contact members of the Senate State Affairs committee to encourage them to vote YES on SB034 using this convenient form! And pass it on!

HB25-1055 Repeal Firearm Dealer Requirements and State Permit(Rep. Max Brooks) Would repeal the law we fought hard for last year that regulates gun dealers and requires gun dealers to obtain a permit to sell firearms in the state. The 2024 law was enacted to ensure proper training of employees and safety considerations in gun stores. That law provides for oversight of adherence to Colorado gun laws by gun dealers. It has a hearing before the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee Thurs. 2/6 at 1:30 p.m. Colorado should keep the gun dealer permitting program. 
Please contact members of the House Business Affairs and Labor committee to encourage them to vote NO on HB1055 using this convenient form! And pass it on!

SB25-003 Semiautomatic Firearms and Rapid-Fire Devices (Sens. Tom Sullivan and Julie Gonzales, Reps. Andrew Boesenecker and Meg Froelich), would ban the sale, but not the possession, of most semi-automatic firearms that accept detachable magazines and classifies rapid-fire devices as dangerous weapons. It has its Senate 2nd Reading on Friday 2/7.

Unfortunately, a significant portion of Colorado’s gun dealers are still selling illegal high capacity magazines, and individuals can travel to surrounding states to purchase them. High capacity magazines put the ‘mass’ in mass shootings—Colorado has suffered from far too many.
Please contact your own senator and encourage them to vote YES on SB003 using this convenient form! And pass it on! 


Please take action NOW and let your representatives know Coloradans demand common-sense legislation to fight gun violence! 

As you know, the gains the anti-gun violence movement have made in recent years are under attack everywhere. You can also get involved and help protect our progress so far by volunteering or donating. Thank you for doing your part in helping keep Coloradans safe where they live, work, and play!
