The CDC Injury Center has released a new dashboard that visualizes firearm deaths by census tracts using provisional death data received from states. The dashboard has information on suicide and homicide deaths from any cause, but helpfully, you can look at firearm suicides and firearm homicides separately because firearms are used in more than half of all suicides and more than 75% of all homicides. The “all firearm injury deaths” category includes firearm injury deaths from suicide, homicide, unintentional injury, legal intervention, and undetermined intent. The dashboard currently has provisional data through June 2024.
The CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention issued this statement:
“Today the Injury Center released the Mapping Injury, Overdose, and Violence Dashboard. This dashboard displays data on deaths from drug overdose, suicide, and homicide. It shows information down to census tracts using final and provisional death data received from states. This data comes from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), compiled by CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. CDC prioritizes timely, actionable, and local data and this dashboard represents the latest effort to show what’s happening at the community level similar to the approaches used in CDC’s Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke, PLACES data, and the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network Data Explorer. Our federal, state, local, and tribal partners rely on this data to understand when and where injuries and violence occur and how to prevent them.”