Working for Freedom from Gun Violence Donate

Prop KK: Virtual Info Session

Hello Colorado Ceasefire Network & Allies, 

We’d like to invite you to a virtual information session about a critical proposition Coloradans will be voting on in November. Many of your friends and colleagues may be wondering “What’s this Proposition KK all about?”  Feel free to share this note with them.

Colorado Ceasefire played an important role in getting Proposition KK on the ballot, and we want to ensure its passage! 

Please register to attend our in-depth virtual information session to learn more about Prop KK and its connection to gun violence prevention.

Zoom – Wednesday, October 2nd from 6:00 – 7:00 pm 

Register HERE! 

About Proposition KK: Proposition KK will place a 6.5% excise tax on gun manufacturers and retailers in Colorado. Funds accrued through this tax will be distributed to mental health care for veterans and youth, promoting school safety and gun violence prevention, and sustaining victim services, including crisis response, emergency shelter, counseling, legal advocacy, and case management for domestic violence and other victims of crime.

Can’t attend the information session? Here are a few quick ways you can support the Proposition KK campaign: 

Donate to the campaign HERE! 

Spread awareness: Follow, like, comment and share social media pages



Host or attend fundraising events with the campaign!

Boulder Fundraiser – September 29, 11-1

RSVP/donate link: 

Invite graphic: YES ON PROP KK INVITE: 9/29/24 BOULDER FUNDRAISER.docx

Denver Fundraiser – September 29, 3-5PM

20601 East Fair Ave, Centennial, CO 80016

RSVP/Donate Link:


Froelich Birthday Comedy Jam in Benefit of Yes on Prop KK – October 1, 5:30 pm (doors open); 6:15pm show start

Englewood – address given upon RSVP

RSVP/Donate Link:

Invite Graphic: 10.1 Comedy Night Fundraiser.jpeg

Thank YOU for your help in making Prop KK a success for ALL Coloradans!
